Everything you need to know about the RNRM Sports Lottery. If you have a question that isn’t mentioned, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Full Time RN Personnel
Yes, use the JPAEO15 and send it directly to the Lottery Office. Note that it will take a month to process through JPA. Those leaving the Service will be stopped automatically and no action from individuals is required.
Yes. Contact Lottery Manager or Lottery Assistant by phone.
The draw is carried out by an independent person and winners will be published on the website and via email. An archive of winners can be seen on the RNSL website.
Members can check winning tickets through NavyFit Social Media, instagram, twitter or Facebook.
The Sports Lottery has an income of approximately £1.6M per annum. A massive 98.3% of this is returned to RN/RM personnel through prizes, grants to ships, establishments, Adventurous Training, Overseas visits and Sports Associations. A more detailed breakdown is at “Where does the money go?”
Applications for grants from Sports Lottery funds should be submitted to the RNRM Sports grants and Lottery Manager at HMS Temeraire, using RNSL Form 1. The Guidelines and Criteria for applicants and information regarding Overseas Visits by Naval Service sports teams must be carefully followed.