Grant Applications
Guidelines and Criteria
Guidelines and Overseas Visits
Guidelines and Criteria
The Criteria and Guidelines below are essential reading for anyone before applying for a Sports Lottery Grant – they are designed to take an applicant through the process and provide a basis for funding expectation when planning an activity. The Sports Lottery Form 1 can be completed by printing the Sports Lottery Form 1 file for posting to the Lottery Manager.
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Please note that applications that attempt to bypass the Criteria will be returned.
- Membership of the RN Sports Lottery (RNSL) is open to all RN and RM personnel, including Reservists. A single ticket costs 75p per week and the maximum individual holding is six tickets.
- Annual gross income is £1.6M and net income after the payment of prizes is £1.2M which is available for distribution for RN Sport and Adventurous Training.
- The purpose of this funding is to benefit all levels of Navy Service sport/recreation/expeds by enhancing existing public funds and by making grants for approved activities and equipment that fall outside the scope of public funding.
- This chapter provides criteria and guidelines for those applying for non-public funds from the RNRMSL.
Eligibility for Funding
- Serving Royal Navy personnel and Reservists will be considered for funding for activities and equipment that support the purpose (para 3). Grants for activities are made to eligible individuals to offset their personal contributions. Therefore membership of the RNSL is mandatory on the principle that to benefit from Lottery funding you should contribute to it. Hence funds will not be released until supporting nominal lists have been checked for Sports Lottery eligibility.
- RN/RM Sports Associations, Regions, Shore Establishments, Ships, Submarines and Commando Units are normally the only organisations for which sports overseas visits, expeditions and AT activities will be approved and RNSL funds granted.
- Individuals or ad hoc teams that enter events for personal purposes (not Association or Service endorsed), and those participating in events to raise funds for charity, cannot be supported by RNSL funds.
General Guidance
- This section provides guidance that can be applied to all applications and is refined for specific activities later in the document. It also attempts to convey the guiding principles (spirit) of the RNSL grant assessment process.
- It is important that applicants do not regard RNSL funding as a replacement for public funding. It follows that a good starting point for all applications is to identify existing sources of public funding and, in the first instance, advice should be sought from PDev Regional Warrant Officers, IPTRM and PDev staff in HMS TEMERAIRE. There is also useful guidance in BRd51and JSP 315 (Joint Service Scales of Entitlement) and on the RN Intranet under RN Sport (AT/PT) and on the internet at
- All applications must be approved through the appropriate chain of command as follows:
- Applications from ships/shore establishments/RM units are to be authorised and signed by the Commanding Officer or Executive Officer.
- In addition to para a, applications from Fleet units are to be further endorsed by the appropriate PDev Officer, or IPTRM for RM.
- Applications on behalf of Regional Teams are to be authorised and signed by the appropriate PDev Officer, or IPTRM for RM.
- Applications from Sports Associations are to be authorised and signed by their Chairman or by the Secretary, Treasurer or designated Overseas Visit Manager (provided the overseas visit has been approved at an AGM or Executive meeting).
- Assessment – Affordability will always be the overriding consideration when assessing applications, but if funding is available, applications will be “tested” against the following template questions – as such, these serve as a very useful checklist for applicants:
- Does this application support the purpose of RNSL funding? See para 3 – “Benefit Navy Service sport /recreation/expeds”
- Is the application endorsed by the appropriate Chain of Command? See para 10
- Have all existing public funds been identified/secured? See para 3
- Have all local non-public funds been identified/secured? Welfare, Unit, Corps etc
- Is this a cost-effective venture?
- Is the travel element proportionate to the overall cost?
- Can the aims be achieved closer to home?
- Is the travel by economic means?
- Is the standard of accommodation consistent with the activity?
- Does the application include items beyond the scope? (eg. promotional/leisure clothing, gifts, trophies, social events, taxis etc)
- Is the itinerary balanced?
- Does the programme focus on the main activity?
- Is it a rigorous overseas visit/exped or a subsidised holiday?
- Is there is a good mix of personnel – rank, rate, gender, experience?
- The RNSL aims to support as many eligible Royal Navy personnel as possible and applications that involve large numbers of personnel at low cost per head, especially those that introduce “new blood”, are particularly encouraged.
- If applicable, are overseas visit/training camp numbers travelling iaw BRd51 Chapter 6 annex C.
- What is the application frequency of the applicant/organisation?
- Is this a “serial” application that benefits the same people? (NB: Precedence does not enhance subsequent applications for the same activity/people).
- If applicable, is the overseas visit/training camp frequency iaw BRd 51.
- If applicable, has a “Overseas Visit letter” been generated? BRd51 Chapter 6 – 0603.
- Does the application meet the required timescale? BRd51 Chapter 6 – 0604.
Guidance for Specific Activities
- Training Camps – are to prepare RN representative teams for specific competitions and therefore will not be funded for Unit or Regional teams. Applications will be subject to the assessment at para 5 and funding granted to those that have established the proven ability or potential to benefit from high quality training and coaching. There must be strong justification for overseas training camps and the itinerary should clearly demonstrate a rigorous training programme focused on preparation for competition.
- Sports Associations are restricted to one training camp per year. Although it may be possible for a Sports Association to hold a training camp and an Overseas visit in the same year, this will be the exception and will only be considered for destinations with low travel costs. Where there are a number of disciplines operating within a single Sports Association, more than one training camp/overseas visit may be allowed within the same year, but this will very much depend on the costs involved and the funds available.
- JSP 752 para 04.0808e permits travel at public expense for an RN representative team to one training session each season provided that the destination is within the UK and that the journey has been authorised by SO1NS on the list of approved events for Sports Travel. Training camps are not eligible for overseas travel at public expense or for CILOR.
- Overseas Visits – are designed to enhance the skills of RN representative players, forge team spirit, encourage players and reward past efforts. Chapter 6 in this handbook contains detailed information and must be read in conjunction with this document before any application is made for RNSL funding. In particular it is vital that timing of the initial “Overseas Visit” letter provides sufficient time to process applications for Diplomatic Clearance (DIPCLEAR). From a funding perspective, overseas visits will be subject to the scrutiny shown at para 11 and in particular:
- Visits must not be supported by public funds and neither CILOR nor public Representative Sports Travel to and from UK ports of departure is permitted.
- Applications to visit from Sports Associations, Regions or Units will not be funded more frequently than once every 2 years.
- Service accommodation should be used whenever possible.
- Visits should be based in a single location (long-distance travel in-country will not be supported).
- Grants are not to be used to fund excursions during a visit.
- The maximum number of sportsmen permitted on a tour is shown at in BRd51 Chapter 6 Annex 6A and is not negotiable
- For planning purposes the general funding profile for sports tours and camps is that personal contributions should be no less than 30% and no more than 50% of the total cost. This, together with the maximum grant for the geographical area will assist in setting the upper limit for the cost of the visit. Further contributions may be sought from Corps Funds, Unit Welfare Funds, and sponsorship, but not from an Association’s Annual Sports Grant.
Geographical Funding Areas – SPORT
- Maximum grants per person for those undertaking overseas visits/training camps are divided by geographical area. It is stressed that the figures shown are a maximum (not a target) that might be granted (if affordable) from the RNSL:
- Mainland Europe – £400
- Eastern Mediterranean (includes Cyprus and Turkey) – £500
- East Coast USA, East Coast Canada, Middle East – £600
- West Coast USA, West Coast Canada – £700
- South Africa, South America, Far East and Australia – £900
- Regional/Unit expeds/visits are restricted to European destinations, except for ships on deployment. Should a team wish to travel further, the maximum grant per person payable will be:
- Unit team – Mainland European rate – £400
- Regional team – Eastern Mediterranean rate – £500
- Adventurous Training (AT) takes a number of forms of which nine activities are recognised and attract qualification, accreditation and public funding. These are; sub-aqua diving, canoeing, parachuting, gliding/paragliding/hang-gliding, ski mountaineering and mountaineering, caving, climbing and off-shore sailing. With the exception of caving and sub-aqua, these activities are also recognised sports activities and the assessment process will decide into which category an activity falls and therefore how an application should be funded. As a rule of thumb, if the activity is one of the nine AT listed above and is supported by public funding then a Joint Services Adventure Training Form Alpha (JSATFA) will be required to support any application for non-public funding. Applications for AT approved activities where there is no public funding and involving a contest or trial of skill, can generally be held to be sport.
- If deemed to be AT/Exped then applicants should normally plan for a financial profile involving a 3-way split: 33% from the individual (personal contribution); 33% from public funds (usually CILOR + AT); and up to 33% from RNSL funds.
Geographical Funding Areas – ADVENTUROUS TRAINING
- Maximum grants per person for those undertaking AT are divided by geographical area. It is stressed that the figures shown are a maximum (not a target) that might be granted as a contribution to a combination public and other non-public funds.
- Mainland Europe – £200
- Eastern Mediterranean (includes Cyprus and Turkey) – £250
- East Coast USA, East Coast Canada, Middle East – £300
- West Coast USA, West Coast Canada – £350
- South Africa, South America, Far East and Australia – £400
- Some particularly advanced or high-profile AT may warrant separate/exceptional assessment for RNSL funding. These will usually attract a Special Project Grant from Public Funds and at least 12 months notice is required for such initiatives.
- The major sources of funding for the purchase of capital sports equipment are the RNRM Charity, Nuffield Trust and the RNSL. Bids for Amenity items should be directed to the RNRM Charity – Royal Navy Amenities Fund. Fitness training equipment is an approved item for public funding and RNSL funding will only be considered for equipment of a permanent and non-personal nature that is beyond the laid down allowance scales. A compelling case must be made and the equipment should support the purpose of RNSL sport funding (para 4). Enhancements for CV suites/gyms such as mirrors, potted plants and TVs will not be considered for a grant.
- Responsibility for the maintenance and upkeep of equipment rests entirely with the applicant who is to take the item on charge. Approval for disposal of equipment funded by the RNSL is to be sought through the RNRM Grants and SL Manager.
- All applications for equipment must be endorsed by the PDev Officer for establishments and ships, IPTRM for RM, and Association Secretaries for Sports.
Sports Kit
- Sports kit is normally to be funded through publicly funded Annual Sports Equipment Grants (SEG) and by NP funds held by Regional PDev Officers. Exceptionally, direct applications for funds for specific non-personal items will be considered. Kit procured in this way must be retained and accounted for by the Association or Unit.
- Applications for grants from the RNSL are to be forwarded using a RNSL1 available on the RN Intranet and the RNSL Internet Website or from the SL office (02392 573028/9380 28028). The RNSL1 should be submitted at least 3 months prior to the start of an expedition, training camp or overseas visit but exceptions will be made for deployed ships and RM units, or when there are constraints for operational reasons. Retrospective applications will not be accepted.
- Whilst it is accepted that that an initial application may not necessarily contain all the information required for approval (full nominal lists, final financial details, confirmed itinerary etc.) it is vital to forward a properly authorised RNSL1 early with the “reasons/justification” areas completed and an outline plan.
- Normally, a final decision on an application will not be made until all the following supporting documentation is in place (RNSL1 para 3).
- Nominal list with Service numbers.
- Statement of proposed income and expenditure.
- Proposed itinerary.
- Signed JSATFA for publicly funded expeditions.
- Event Admin Order
Entering into Financial Commitments
- Applications may be rejected for a number of reasons and even those that meet all other criteria might not be approved due to lack of funds. Therefore it is vital that applicants do not enter into any financial commitment before written confirmation of approval from the RNRM Grants and Sports Lottery Manager. The fact that an applicant has paid a deposit for a visit, training camp or expedition will not improve the chances of an application gaining approval AND could well result in the applicant losing money.
- Having read these guidelines any remaining questions can be put to the RNRM Grants and Sports Lottery Manager:
Guidelines and Overseas Visits
Overseas Visits By Royal Navy Sports Teams
1. Overseas visits by RN sports teams provide the chance to travel to destinations not often visited by the Armed Forces and consequently can be of diplomatic, PR and community value. From a sporting perspective such visits offer the scope to play against challenging opposition with different national cultures and in an environment distinct from that experienced in the UK. They can be used as a reward for loyal players at the end of a long season or can be used as a period in which to develop team spirit and team work for a season or competition ahead. Training camps allow athletes to improve their performances by training in climates and facilities not available in UK whilst the Winter Sports Championships conducted overseas require geographical features not found in the UK.
2. When an overseas sports visit is planned either in response to an invitation, or as a personal initiative, the following points must be given early consideration.
a. Visits must involve no cost to Public Funds. Neither CILOR nor travel to and from UK ports of departure is admissible.b. Tour parties are limited to the numbers at the Annex.c. Applications to tour from Associations, Regions or Units will not be approved more frequently than once every 2 years.d. Visits must not be longer than 2 weeks in duration.e. Visits should be based in a single location avoiding the expense of long distance in- country travelf. Funds should not be sought in support of excursions during the visit.g. The status and level of competition to be encountered must always be carefully considered to ensure that opposition is of a realistic standard.h. It is MOD policy that British Service teams may not compete in any event under the aegis of the CISM (Conseil International du Sport Militaire).i. The strength of reserves or reserve squads should be taken into consideration should first choice players not be available. Organisers should arrange for availability slips signed by both players and their CO’s to be completed in good time.j. The importance to prestige and public relations of fulfilling overseas commitments must be borne in mind. Last minute cancellations and major alterations to arrangements must be avoided wherever possible.k. The need not to over extend the hospitality of host countries /organizations must be considered. Over-exploitation may reduce their willingness to accept future visits by other Service teams.
3. Proposed overseas sports visits are to be incorporated into RNRM Sports Associations’ 5 Year Plans giving notice of those years in which they intend to undertake tours and likely destinations. The planning for individual visits needs to begin some 12 – 18 months in advance of the visit’s departure date, and advice sought from the office of Sports Lottery Office (02392 573 028) at HMS Temeraire regarding finance, travel and accommodation etc.
4. Clearance. All sports visits abroad require the approval of Navy People-PS Sport SO1 and an absolute minimum of 12 weeks is needed to obtain the necessary Diplomatic Clearances. It is advisable, however, to allow longer especially to politically sensitive destinations.
5. Applications. Permission to undertake all overseas visits must be obtained directly from Navy People-PS Sport SO1 by the appropriate RNRM Sports Association for all RN Representative teams. All other applications, including those for Regions, Area, or individual unit teams are to be forwarded to Navy People-PS Sport SO1 through normal administrative channels giving sufficient time to meet the 12 week clearance deadline. PDev officers and staff are to ensure that visit organisers are made aware of the contents of this letter.
6. All applicants are to give sufficient information to enable the visit’s viability to be assessed. The application should contain the following in as much detail as possible:
a. Itinerary with dates.b. Accommodation and transport arrangements.c. Confirmation, preferably written, that the visit is acceptable to the host service or other authority and, where applicable, the relevant National Governing Body.d. Statement of proposed income and expenditure.e. Nominal list of the touring party (Including Service numbers).f. Move and Track for participants has been approved through the individuals UPO.g. Confirmation that individuals have taken out appropriate personal accident/ 3rd party insurance and that Medical plans are in place including a Forces Health Protection Instruction (FHPI). Information can be found through NAVY MED-MED OP CAP MAILBOX (MULTIUSER)
Casualties and Insurance
7. It is appreciated that nominal lists are likely to change between the time of application and the departure date. It is, however, essential that the final list provided is up to date, and includes full Service details with NOK and Regional Welfare Authority.
8. Managers are to be fully conversant with DILFOR regulations (BR 8587 1910-11) particularly regarding contact with the local Naval authority, Naval Attaché or British Consul, and with Casualty Reporting Procedure in JSP 751
Duty Status
9. BRd51 Vol 4 Chap 8 provides full guidance on ‘Duty Status’.
10. Overseas sports visits are to be self supporting and must not involve cost to Public Funds. Neither CILOR nor Representative Sports Travel is admissible. All visit costs are to be incorporated into the statement of proposed income and expenditure and financed through personal contributions and other non-public sources.
11. Applications for non-public funding for Overseas Sports Visits will be considered as a single grant from the Sports Lottery. Applications are to be made using Form RNSL1 applications form.
12. Grants to individuals undertaking overseas sport visits to the following geographic areas are for up to a maximum of:
a. Mainland Europe – £400b. Eastern Mediterranean (includes Cyprus and Turkey) – £500c. East Coast USA and East Coast Canada, Middle East – £600d. West Coast USA, West Coast Canada – £600e. South Africa, South America, Far East and Australia. – £900
The figures above are by no means guaranteed and will depend on affordability and whether the aims of the visit could be achieved at lesser expense at an alternative venue. It is stressed that the figures per person are an absolute maximum and should not be seen as a spending target. RNRM Sports Lottery membership is a condition of grant approval.
13. Personal contributions should be not less than 30% and no more than 50% of the total cost. This, together with the maximum grant for geographical areas will assist in assessing the upper limit for the cost of the tour. Whilst further assistance may be sought from Corps, Unit Welfare Funds or sponsorship, money from Association Annual Sports Grants, which is designed to fund operating costs only, is not to be committed.
14. Regional/Unit tours are normally to be restricted to European destinations, except for ships deployed. Teams wishing to travel further will be restricted to maximum grants of:
a. Unit team – the European rate of £400b. Regional Team – the Eastern Mediterranean rate £500
Regional/Unit teams are to inform the relevant parent RN Sports Association of their intention to tour at the earliest opportunity and seek their advice and endorsement.
15. Over recent years it has become increasingly apparent that teams representing the Royal Navy have, on occasions, been disadvantaged by not having access to the quality of training facilities enjoyed by the sportsmen and women of the other two Services. In an attempt to redress the balance it has been recognised that there may be circumstances where our teams would be better prepared if they were allowed access to training and conditioning camps aimed specifically at making them competitive at Inter Service level.
16. It has been agreed that bids may be submitted to the RNRM Sports Lottery by RN and RM Sports Associations who believe they have a sufficiently strong case to undertake a training camp. Bids will be subject to the scrutiny procedures contained in the ‘Applications Criteria and Guidance for Grants from the RN/RM Sports Lottery”.
17. Training and Conditioning camps are to be structured to enhance the fitness and skills of established sportsmen and women in preparation for a specific event and will, therefore, be limited to those participants who have the proven ability, or potential to benefit from high quality training and coaching.
18. In order that a common rationale can be applied to training camp applications the following criteria will be used:
a. Applications must be forwarded through parent RN and RM Sports Associations having first been properly scrutinised and approved.b. Participants must be members of the Association’s representative squad with the potential to compete as a part of the representative team.c. Training camps must be designed around a properly structured training and conditioning programme supported by a suitably qualified coach/trainer.d. The training camp must have a clearly identified objective and be specifically targeted at an event of at least Inter Service standard.e. The timing and location of the training camp must have a direct bearing on the event being targeted.
Overseas Visit Numbers
19. The numbers of participants allowed on an overseas visit is shown at the Annex. These figures have been agreed by the UKAF Sports Board and any increase requires the specific approval of Navy People-PS Sport SO1.
Additional Information
20. Whilst parties must be in possession of in-date passports and Service ID cards, some destinations require additional documentation including VISAs, NATO Travel Orders and Medical Exempt Letters etc. There may also be a requirement to make contact with the military authorities once in the country. Information relating to destinations requiring specific pre tour action can be obtained through Navy People-PS Sport SO1 office. If in doubt ask.
Reciprocal Visits
21. It must be borne in mind that if reciprocal visits to UK are offered whilst on tour no funding for these visits will be made available from central non-public funds. Visit organisers are to guard against making reciprocal offers which later result in financial embarrassment to their Association.
22. A short summary of each overseas visit undertaken, including financial and logistic arrangements, is to be submitted to this office within one month of completion of all approved visits. These are made available to subsequent visit organisers for advice and guidance.
Accounting for Overseas Sports Visits and Training Camps
23. It is a fundamental requirement of charity accounting that all receipts and payments are shown gross i.e. there is no offsetting one against the other. This means that all receipts and payments for visits or training camps should appear in the annual accounts. Some sports funds are very good in this respect and provide detailed records fully supported by vouchers, all of which pass though the treasurer’s books. At the opposite extreme, some funds receive the grants and pay it straight out to the visit manager and consequently expenses and personal contributions do not appear in the annual accounts. In some cases the major financial activity of the sports charity in the year is the OSV but this is ignored in the accounts.
24. In addition to the legal requirements of charity accounts, the grant making bodies such as the RNRM Sports Lottery require that sets of accounts are provided for their own audit purposes. It is disappointing that many Sports Associations fail to comply despite it being a condition of accepting a tour grant that Associations provide visit accounts. Association and Club Chairmen should ensure that their officials do so.
25. It is appreciated that some visits are organised as one package provided by specialist companies and that some of these take personal contributions direct from individuals. Clearly one size does not fit all, but nevertheless accounting for visits must fall into one of two basic methods.
a. All grants, personal contributions, flights, accommodation and miscellaneous expenses pass through the treasurer’s cashbook and are supported by the relevant vouchers. An extract can be drawn up to provide a breakdown of visit expenses and income for grant making bodies.b. Grants are received into the fund’s accounts and then paid to the visit manager, possibly after large expenses such as flights have been paid by the treasurer. This advance is effectively an open voucher.(In other words the receipt for this advance remains as part of the treasurer’s cash holding and no action is taken in the books) On return from the visit, the visit manager provides the treasurer with a breakdown of visit income and expenses plus any surplus cash and vouchers for the transactions. This will clear the open voucher. A duplicate of the tour financial breakdown will also double as the accounts for the grant making bodies. If personal contributions are paid direct to the specialist company, the sums involved must also be provided.Either method will provide an audit trail when the books are examined and visit finances will be evident in the charity’s annual accounts.
26. It is appreciated that it might not always be possible to obtain receipts for some minor expenses, although some funds are very good at this, but the appropriate vouchers must always support major items such as flights and accommodation. Minor expenses such as tolls can be certified by the club official but Treasurers or Visit Managers should not self certify payments to themselves. Internet bookings for flights and accommodation are becoming increasingly popular and often will not involve invoices but Internet printouts are acceptable as vouchers.
Service Sport | Disciplines | Maximum Number |
Angling | Carp | 18 |
Angling | Coarse | 15 |
Angling | Game | 14 |
Angling | Sea | 15 |
Athletics | Track and Field | 36 |
Athletics | Cross Country | 14 |
Athletics | Tug o War | 14 |
Athletics | Marathon/ Road | 10 |
Badminton | 12 | |
Basketball | 21 | |
Boxing | 17 | |
Canoeing | Sprint and Marathon | 14 |
Canoeing | Slalom | 14 |
Canoeing | Water Polo | 10 |
Canoeing | Freestyle | 14 |
Cricket | 20 | |
Cycling | Cyclecross | 10 |
Cycling | MBK | 10 |
Cycling | Mountain Biking & Cross Country | 10 |
Cycling | Road/Time Trials | 10 |
Cycling | Track | 10 |
Equestrian Sports | 10 | |
Equestrian | Combined Disciplines | 10 |
Equestrian | Cross Country | 10 |
Equestrian | Dessage | 10 |
Equestrian | Eventing | 10 |
Equestrian | Show Jumping | 10 |
Fencing | Foil | 7 |
Fencing | Epee | 7 |
Fencing | Sabre | 7 |
Football | Full | 22 |
Football | 5-a-side | 10 |
Gliding | 10 | |
Golf | 13 | |
Hang & Para Gliding | 20 | |
Hockey | 22 | |
Ice Hockey | 22 | |
Judo | 12 | |
Karting | 20 | |
Kite Surfing | 16 | |
Lawn Tennis | 10 | |
Martial Arts | 8 | |
Microflight Flying | 10 | |
Modern Pentathlon | 6 | |
Motor Sports | 2 Wheel Road | 20 |
Motor Sports | 2 Wheel Trial | 20 |
Motor Sports | 2 Wheel Endro/Motocross | 30 |
Motor Sports | 4 Wheel Car Racing | 12 |
Motor Sports | 4 Wheel Navigation | 20 |
Motor Sports | Rally | 30 |
Netball | 16 | |
Orienteering | 10 | |
Paragliding | 20 | |
Polo | 8 | |
Powerlifting | 16 | |
Rowing | 8’s, 4’s, pairs | 20 |
Rugby League | Thirteens | 28 |
Rugby League | Nines | 19 |
Rugby League | Sevens | 15 |
Rugby Union | Fifteens | 32 |
Rugby Union | Tens | 20 |
Rugby Union | Sevens | 15 |
Sailing | Offshore | 12 |
Sailing | Dinghy | 12 |
Sailing | Board | 12 |
Sailing | Windsurfing | 12 |
Sport Climbing | 15 | |
Sport Parachuting | 10 | |
Squash Rackets | 8 | |
Surfing | 18 | |
Swimming | Diving | 6 |
Swimming | Swimming | 19 |
Swimming | Water Polo | 16 |
Swimming | Open Water | 6 |
Table Tennis | 10 | |
Target Shooting | Full Bore Target Rifle | 20 |
Target Shooting | Small Bore Target Rifle | 20 |
Target Shooting | Target Pistol | 12 |
Target Shooting | Clay Target | 24 |
Tennis | 10 | |
Triathlon | 15 | |
Volleyball | 16 | |
Waterskiing / Wakeboarding | 10 | |
Waveriding | Waterskiing/ Wakeboarding | 10 |
Winter Sports | Alpine Skiing | 12 |
Winter Sports | Snowboarding | 12 |
Winter Sports | Nordic | 8 |
Winter Sports | Bi-Athlon Cross Country | 8 |
Winter Sports | Luge | 8 |
Winter Sports | Skeleton | 8 |
Winter Sports | Telemark | 6 |
Winter Sports | Tobogganing / Cresta | 12 |
The maximum number for mixed gender teams will be subject to approval by Navy People-PS Sport SO1 in each case. It will normally be significantly less than twice that of a single gender team.
Guidlines and Criteria
The Criteria and Guidelines below are essential reading for anyone before applying for a Sports Lottery Grant – they are designed to take an applicant through the process and provide a basis for funding expectation when planning an activity. The Sports Lottery Form 1 can be completed by printing the Sports Lottery Form 1 file for posting to the Lottery Manager.
![]() | Please note that applications that attempt to bypass the Criteria will be returned. References:
- Membership of the RN Sports Lottery (RNSL) is open to all RN and RM personnel, including Reservists. A single ticket costs 75p per week and the maximum individual holding is six tickets.
- Annual gross income is £1.85M and net income after the payment of prizes is £1.45M which is available for distribution for RN Sport and Adventurous Training.
- The purpose of this funding is to benefit all levels of Navy Service sport/recreation/expeds by enhancing existing public funds and by making grants for approved activities and equipment that fall outside the scope of public funding.
- This chapter provides criteria and guidelines for those applying for non-public funds from the RNRMSL.
Eligibility for Funding
- Serving Royal Navy personnel and Reservists will be considered for funding for activities and equipment that support the purpose (para 3). Grants for activities are made to eligible individuals to offset their personal contributions. Therefore membership of the RNSL is mandatory on the principle that to benefit from Lottery funding you should contribute to it. Hence funds will not be released until supporting nominal lists have been checked for Sports Lottery eligibility.
- RN/RM Sports Associations, Regions, Shore Establishments, Ships, Submarines and Commando Units are normally the only organisations for which sports overseas visits, expeditions and AT activities will be approved and RNSL funds granted.
- Individuals or ad hoc teams that enter events for personal purposes (not Association or Service endorsed), and those participating in events to raise funds for charity, cannot be supported by RNSL funds.
General Guidance
- This section provides guidance that can be applied to all applications and is refined for specific activities later in the document. It also attempts to convey the guiding principles (spirit) of the RNSL grant assessment process.
- It is important that applicants do not regard RNSL funding as a replacement for public funding. It follows that a good starting point for all applications is to identify existing sources of public funding and, in the first instance, advice should be sought from PDev Regional Warrant Officers, IPTRM and PDev staff in HMS TEMERAIRE. There is also useful guidance in BRd51and JSP 315 (Joint Service Scales of Entitlement) and on the RN Intranet under RN Sport (AT/PT) and on the internet at
- All applications must be approved through the appropriate chain of command as follows:
- Applications from ships/shore establishments/RM units are to be authorised and signed by the Commanding Officer or Executive Officer.
- In addition to para a, applications from Fleet units are to be further endorsed by the appropriate PDev Officer, or IPTRM for RM.
- Applications on behalf of Regional Teams are to be authorised and signed by the appropriate PDev Officer, or IPTRM for RM.
- Applications from Sports Associations are to be authorised and signed by their Chairman or by the Secretary, Treasurer or designated Overseas Visit Manager (provided the overseas visit has been approved at an AGM or Executive meeting).
- Assessment – Affordability will always be the overriding consideration when assessing applications, but if funding is available, applications will be “tested” against the following template questions – as such, these serve as a very useful checklist for applicants:
- Does this application support the purpose of RNSL funding? See para 3 – “Benefit Navy Service sport /recreation/expeds”
- Is the application endorsed by the appropriate Chain of Command? See para 10
- Have all existing public funds been identified/secured? See para 3
- Have all local non-public funds been identified/secured? Welfare, Unit, Corps etc
- Is this a cost-effective venture?
- Is the travel element proportionate to the overall cost?
- Can the aims be achieved closer to home?
- Is the travel by economic means?
- Is the standard of accommodation consistent with the activity?
- Does the application include items beyond the scope? (eg. promotional/leisure clothing, gifts, trophies, social events, taxis etc)
- Is the itinerary balanced?
- Does the programme focus on the main activity?
- Is it a rigorous overseas visit/exped or a subsidised holiday?
- Is there is a good mix of personnel – rank, rate, gender, experience?
- The RNSL aims to support as many eligible Royal Navy personnel as possible and applications that involve large numbers of personnel at low cost per head, especially those that introduce “new blood”, are particularly encouraged.
- If applicable, are overseas visit/training camp numbers travelling iaw BRd51 Chapter 6 annex C.
- What is the application frequency of the applicant/organisation?
- Is this a “serial” application that benefits the same people? (NB: Precedence does not enhance subsequent applications for the same activity/people).
- If applicable, is the overseas visit/training camp frequency iaw BRd 51.
- If applicable, has a “Overseas Visit letter” been generated? BRd51 Chapter 6 – 0603.
- Does the application meet the required timescale? BRd51 Chapter 6 – 0604.
Guidance for Specific Activities
- Training Camps – are to prepare RN representative teams for specific competitions and therefore will not be funded for Unit or Regional teams. Applications will be subject to the assessment at para 5 and funding granted to those that have established the proven ability or potential to benefit from high quality training and coaching. There must be strong justification for overseas training camps and the itinerary should clearly demonstrate a rigorous training programme focused on preparation for competition.
- Sports Associations are restricted to one training camp per year. Although it may be possible for a Sports Association to hold a training camp and an Overseas visit in the same year, this will be the exception and will only be considered for destinations with low travel costs. Where there are a number of disciplines operating within a single Sports Association, more than one training camp/overseas visit may be allowed within the same year, but this will very much depend on the costs involved and the funds available.
- JSP 752 para 04.0808e permits travel at public expense for an RN representative team to one training session each season provided that the destination is within the UK and that the journey has been authorised by SO1NS on the list of approved events for Sports Travel. Training camps are not eligible for overseas travel at public expense or for CILOR.
- Overseas Visits – are designed to enhance the skills of RN representative players, forge team spirit, encourage players and reward past efforts. Chapter 6 in this handbook contains detailed information and must be read in conjunction with this document before any application is made for RNSL funding. In particular it is vital that timing of the initial “Overseas Visit” letter provides sufficient time to process applications for Diplomatic Clearance (DIPCLEAR). From a funding perspective, overseas visits will be subject to the scrutiny shown at para 11 and in particular:
- Visits must not be supported by public funds and neither CILOR nor public Representative Sports Travel to and from UK ports of departure is permitted.
- Applications to visit from Sports Associations, Regions or Units will not be funded more frequently than once every 2 years.
- Service accommodation should be used whenever possible.
- Visits should be based in a single location (long-distance travel in-country will not be supported).
- Grants are not to be used to fund excursions during a visit.
- The maximum number of sportsmen permitted on a tour is shown at in BRd51 Chapter 6 Annex 6A and is not negotiable
- For planning purposes the general funding profile for sports tours and camps is that personal contributions should be no less than 30% and no more than 50% of the total cost. This, together with the maximum grant for the geographical area will assist in setting the upper limit for the cost of the visit. Further contributions may be sought from Corps Funds, Unit Welfare Funds, and sponsorship, but not from an Association’s Annual Sports Grant.
Geographical Funding Areas – SPORT
- Maximum grants per person for those undertaking overseas visits/training camps are divided by geographical area. It is stressed that the figures shown are a maximum (not a target) that might be granted (if affordable) from the RNSL:
- Mainland Europe – £400
- Eastern Mediterranean (includes Cyprus and Turkey) – £500
- East Coast USA, East Coast Canada, Middle East – £600
- West Coast USA, West Coast Canada – £700
- South Africa, South America, Far East and Australia – £900
- Regional/Unit expeds/visits are restricted to European destinations, except for ships on deployment. Should a team wish to travel further, the maximum grant per person payable will be:
- Unit team – Mainland European rate – £400
- Regional team – Eastern Mediterranean rate – £500
- Adventurous Training (AT) takes a number of forms of which nine activities are recognised and attract qualification, accreditation and public funding. These are; sub-aqua diving, canoeing, parachuting, gliding/paragliding/hang-gliding, ski mountaineering and mountaineering, caving, climbing and off-shore sailing. With the exception of caving and sub-aqua, these activities are also recognised sports activities and the assessment process will decide into which category an activity falls and therefore how an application should be funded. As a rule of thumb, if the activity is one of the nine AT listed above and is supported by public funding then a Joint Services Adventure Training Form Alpha (JSATFA) will be required to support any application for non-public funding. Applications for AT approved activities where there is no public funding and involving a contest or trial of skill, can generally be held to be sport.
- If deemed to be AT/Exped then applicants should normally plan for a financial profile involving a 3-way split: 33% from the individual (personal contribution); 33% from public funds (usually CILOR + AT); and up to 33% from RNSL funds.
Geographical Funding Areas – ADVENTUROUS TRAINING
- Maximum grants per person for those undertaking AT are divided by geographical area. It is stressed that the figures shown are a maximum (not a target) that might be granted as a contribution to a combination public and other non-public funds.
- Mainland Europe – £200
- Eastern Mediterranean (includes Cyprus and Turkey) – £250
- East Coast USA, East Coast Canada, Middle East – £300
- West Coast USA, West Coast Canada – £350
- South Africa, South America, Far East and Australia – £400
- Some particularly advanced or high-profile AT may warrant separate/exceptional assessment for RNSL funding. These will usually attract a Special Project Grant from Public Funds and at least 12 months notice is required for such initiatives.
- The major sources of funding for the purchase of capital sports equipment are the RNRM Charity, Nuffield Trust and the RNSL. Bids for Amenity items should be directed to the RNRM Charity – Royal Navy Amenities Fund. Fitness training equipment is an approved item for public funding and RNSL funding will only be considered for equipment of a permanent and non-personal nature that is beyond the laid down allowance scales. A compelling case must be made and the equipment should support the purpose of RNSL sport funding (para 4). Enhancements for CV suites/gyms such as mirrors, potted plants and TVs will not be considered for a grant.
- Responsibility for the maintenance and upkeep of equipment rests entirely with the applicant who is to take the item on charge. Approval for disposal of equipment funded by the RNSL is to be sought through the RNRM Grants and SL Manager.
- All applications for equipment must be endorsed by the PDev Officer for establishments and ships, IPTRM for RM, and Association Secretaries for Sports.
Sports Kit
- Sports kit is normally to be funded through publicly funded Annual Sports Equipment Grants (SEG) and by NP funds held by Regional PDev Officers. Exceptionally, direct applications for funds for specific non-personal items will be considered. Kit procured in this way must be retained and accounted for by the Association or Unit.
- Applications for grants from the RNSL are to be forwarded using a RNSL1 available on the RN Intranet and the RNSL Internet Website or from the SL office (02392 573028/9380 28028). The RNSL1 should be submitted at least 3 months prior to the start of an expedition, training camp or overseas visit but exceptions will be made for deployed ships and RM units, or when there are constraints for operational reasons. Retrospective applications will not be accepted.
- Whilst it is accepted that that an initial application may not necessarily contain all the information required for approval (full nominal lists, final financial details, confirmed itinerary etc.) it is vital to forward a properly authorised RNSL1 early with the “reasons/justification” areas completed and an outline plan.
- Normally, a final decision on an application will not be made until all the following supporting documentation is in place (RNSL1 para 3).
- Nominal list with Service numbers.
- Statement of proposed income and expenditure.
- Proposed itinerary.
- Signed JSATFA for publicly funded expeditions.
Entering into Financial Commitments
- Applications may be rejected for a number of reasons and even those that meet all other criteria might not be approved due to lack of funds. Therefore it is vital that applicants do not enter into any financial commitment before written confirmation of approval from the RNRM Grants and Sports Lottery Manager. The fact that an applicant has paid a deposit for a visit, training camp or expedition will not improve the chances of an application gaining approval AND could well result in the applicant losing money.
- Having read these guidelines any remaining questions can be put to the RNRM Grants and Sports Lottery Manager:
Lt Cdr R Young RN
Mil; 9380 28028
Civ: 02392 573028
Guidlines and Sports Tours
Overseas Visits By Royal Navy Sports Teams
1. Overseas visits by RN sports teams provide the chance to travel to destinations not often visited by the Armed Forces and consequently can be of diplomatic, PR and community value. From a sporting perspective such visits offer the scope to play against challenging opposition with different national cultures and in an environment distinct from that experienced in the UK. They can be used as a reward for loyal players at the end of a long season or can be used as a period in which to develop team spirit and team work for a season or competition ahead. Training camps allow athletes to improve their performances by training in climates and facilities not available in UK whilst the Winter Sports Championships conducted overseas require geographical features not found in the UK.
2. When an overseas sports visit is planned either in response to an invitation, or as a personal initiative, the following points must be given early consideration.
a. Visits must involve no cost to Public Funds. Neither CILOR nor travel to and from UK ports of departure is admissible.b. Tour parties are limited to the numbers at the Annex.c. Applications to tour from Associations, Regions or Units will not be approved more frequently than once every 2 years.d. Visits must not be longer than 2 weeks in duration.e. Visits should be based in a single location avoiding the expense of long distance in- country travelf. Funds should not be sought in support of excursions during the visit.g. The status and level of competition to be encountered must always be carefully considered to ensure that opposition is of a realistic standard.h. It is MOD policy that British Service teams may not compete in any event under the aegis of the CISM (Conseil International du Sport Militaire).i. The strength of reserves or reserve squads should be taken into consideration should first choice players not be available. Organisers should arrange for availability slips signed by both players and their CO’s to be completed in good time.j. The importance to prestige and public relations of fulfilling overseas commitments must be borne in mind. Last minute cancellations and major alterations to arrangements must be avoided wherever possible.k. The need not to over extend the hospitality of host countries /organizations must be considered. Over-exploitation may reduce their willingness to accept future visits by other Service teams.
3. Proposed overseas sports visits are to be incorporated into RNRM Sports Associations’ 5 Year Plans giving notice of those years in which they intend to undertake tours and likely destinations. The planning for individual visits needs to begin some 12 – 18 months in advance of the visit’s departure date, and advice sought from the office of Sports Lottery Office (02392 573 028) at HMS Temeraire regarding finance, travel and accommodation etc.
4. Clearance. All sports visits abroad require the approval of Navy People-PS Sport SO1 and an absolute minimum of 12 weeks is needed to obtain the necessary Diplomatic Clearances. It is advisable, however, to allow longer especially to politically sensitive destinations.
5. Applications. Permission to undertake all overseas visits must be obtained directly from Navy People-PS Sport SO1 by the appropriate RNRM Sports Association for all RN Representative teams. All other applications, including those for Regions, Area, or individual unit teams are to be forwarded to Navy People-PS Sport SO1 through normal administrative channels giving sufficient time to meet the 12 week clearance deadline. PDev officers and staff are to ensure that visit organisers are made aware of the contents of this letter.
6. All applicants are to give sufficient information to enable the visit’s viability to be assessed. The application should contain the following in as much detail as possible:
a. Itinerary with dates.b. Accommodation and transport arrangements.c. Confirmation, preferably written, that the visit is acceptable to the host service or other authority and, where applicable, the relevant National Governing Body.d. Statement of proposed income and expenditure.e. Nominal list of the touring party (Including Service numbers).f. Move and Track for participants has been approved through the individuals UPO.g. Confirmation that individuals have taken out appropriate personal accident/ 3rd party insurance and that Medical plans are in place including a Forces Health Protection Instruction (FHPI). Information can be found through NAVY MED-MED OP CAP MAILBOX (MULTIUSER)
Casualties and Insurance
7. It is appreciated that nominal lists are likely to change between the time of application and the departure date. It is, however, essential that the final list provided is up to date, and includes full Service details with NOK and Regional Welfare Authority.
8. Managers are to be fully conversant with DILFOR regulations (BR 8587 1910-11) particularly regarding contact with the local Naval authority, Naval Attaché or British Consul, and with Casualty Reporting Procedure in JSP 751
Duty Status
9. BRd51 Vol 4 Chap 8 provides full guidance on ‘Duty Status’.
10. Overseas sports visits are to be self supporting and must not involve cost to Public Funds. Neither CILOR nor Representative Sports Travel is admissible. All visit costs are to be incorporated into the statement of proposed income and expenditure and financed through personal contributions and other non-public sources.
11. Applications for non-public funding for Overseas Sports Visits will be considered as a single grant from the Sports Lottery. Applications are to be made using Form RNSL1 applications form.
12. Grants to individuals undertaking overseas sport visits to the following geographic areas are for up to a maximum of:
a. Mainland Europe – £400b. Eastern Mediterranean (includes Cyprus and Turkey) – £500c. East Coast USA and East Coast Canada, Middle East – £600d. West Coast USA, West Coast Canada – £600e. South Africa, South America, Far East and Australia. – £900
The figures above are by no means guaranteed and will depend on affordability and whether the aims of the visit could be achieved at lesser expense at an alternative venue. It is stressed that the figures per person are an absolute maximum and should not be seen as a spending target. RNRM Sports Lottery membership is a condition of grant approval.
13. Personal contributions should be not less than 30% and no more than 50% of the total cost. This, together with the maximum grant for geographical areas will assist in assessing the upper limit for the cost of the tour. Whilst further assistance may be sought from Corps, Unit Welfare Funds or sponsorship, money from Association Annual Sports Grants, which is designed to fund operating costs only, is not to be committed.
14. Regional/Unit tours are normally to be restricted to European destinations, except for ships deployed. Teams wishing to travel further will be restricted to maximum grants of:
a. Unit team – the European rate of £400b. Regional Team – the Eastern Mediterranean rate £500
Regional/Unit teams are to inform the relevant parent RN Sports Association of their intention to tour at the earliest opportunity and seek their advice and endorsement.
15. Over recent years it has become increasingly apparent that teams representing the Royal Navy have, on occasions, been disadvantaged by not having access to the quality of training facilities enjoyed by the sportsmen and women of the other two Services. In an attempt to redress the balance it has been recognised that there may be circumstances where our teams would be better prepared if they were allowed access to training and conditioning camps aimed specifically at making them competitive at Inter Service level.
16. It has been agreed that bids may be submitted to the RNRM Sports Lottery by RN and RM Sports Associations who believe they have a sufficiently strong case to undertake a training camp. Bids will be subject to the scrutiny procedures contained in the ‘Applications Criteria and Guidance for Grants from the RN/RM Sports Lottery”.
17. Training and Conditioning camps are to be structured to enhance the fitness and skills of established sportsmen and women in preparation for a specific event and will, therefore, be limited to those participants who have the proven ability, or potential to benefit from high quality training and coaching.
18. In order that a common rationale can be applied to training camp applications the following criteria will be used:
a. Applications must be forwarded through parent RN and RM Sports Associations having first been properly scrutinised and approved.b. Participants must be members of the Association’s representative squad with the potential to compete as a part of the representative team.c. Training camps must be designed around a properly structured training and conditioning programme supported by a suitably qualified coach/trainer.d. The training camp must have a clearly identified objective and be specifically targeted at an event of at least Inter Service standard.e. The timing and location of the training camp must have a direct bearing on the event being targeted.
Overseas Visit Numbers
19. The numbers of participants allowed on an overseas visit is shown at the Annex. These figures have been agreed by the UKAF Sports Board and any increase requires the specific approval of Navy People-PS Sport SO1.
Additional Information
20. Whilst parties must be in possession of in-date passports and Service ID cards, some destinations require additional documentation including VISAs, NATO Travel Orders and Medical Exempt Letters etc. There may also be a requirement to make contact with the military authorities once in the country. Information relating to destinations requiring specific pre tour action can be obtained through Navy People-PS Sport SO1 office. If in doubt ask.
Reciprocal Visits
21. It must be borne in mind that if reciprocal visits to UK are offered whilst on tour no funding for these visits will be made available from central non-public funds. Visit organisers are to guard against making reciprocal offers which later result in financial embarrassment to their Association.
22. A short summary of each overseas visit undertaken, including financial and logistic arrangements, is to be submitted to this office within one month of completion of all approved visits. These are made available to subsequent visit organisers for advice and guidance.
Accounting for Overseas Sports Visits and Training Camps
23. It is a fundamental requirement of charity accounting that all receipts and payments are shown gross i.e. there is no offsetting one against the other. This means that all receipts and payments for visits or training camps should appear in the annual accounts. Some sports funds are very good in this respect and provide detailed records fully supported by vouchers, all of which pass though the treasurer’s books. At the opposite extreme, some funds receive the grants and pay it straight out to the visit manager and consequently expenses and personal contributions do not appear in the annual accounts. In some cases the major financial activity of the sports charity in the year is the OSV but this is ignored in the accounts.
24. In addition to the legal requirements of charity accounts, the grant making bodies such as the RNRM Sports Lottery require that sets of accounts are provided for their own audit purposes. It is disappointing that many Sports Associations fail to comply despite it being a condition of accepting a tour grant that Associations provide visit accounts. Association and Club Chairmen should ensure that their officials do so.
25. It is appreciated that some visits are organised as one package provided by specialist companies and that some of these take personal contributions direct from individuals. Clearly one size does not fit all, but nevertheless accounting for visits must fall into one of two basic methods.
a. All grants, personal contributions, flights, accommodation and miscellaneous expenses pass through the treasurer’s cashbook and are supported by the relevant vouchers. An extract can be drawn up to provide a breakdown of visit expenses and income for grant making bodies.b. Grants are received into the fund’s accounts and then paid to the visit manager, possibly after large expenses such as flights have been paid by the treasurer. This advance is effectively an open voucher.(In other words the receipt for this advance remains as part of the treasurer’s cash holding and no action is taken in the books) On return from the visit, the visit manager provides the treasurer with a breakdown of visit income and expenses plus any surplus cash and vouchers for the transactions. This will clear the open voucher. A duplicate of the tour financial breakdown will also double as the accounts for the grant making bodies. If personal contributions are paid direct to the specialist company, the sums involved must also be provided.Either method will provide an audit trail when the books are examined and visit finances will be evident in the charity’s annual accounts.
26. It is appreciated that it might not always be possible to obtain receipts for some minor expenses, although some funds are very good at this, but the appropriate vouchers must always support major items such as flights and accommodation. Minor expenses such as tolls can be certified by the club official but Treasurers or Visit Managers should not self certify payments to themselves. Internet bookings for flights and accommodation are becoming increasingly popular and often will not involve invoices but Internet printouts are acceptable as vouchers.
Service Sport | Disciplines | Maximum Number |
Angling | Carp | 18 |
Angling | Coarse | 15 |
Angling | Game | 14 |
Angling | Sea | 15 |
Athletics | Track and Field | 36 |
Athletics | Cross Country | 14 |
Athletics | Tug o War | 14 |
Athletics | Marathon/ Road | 10 |
Badminton | 12 | |
Basketball | 21 | |
Boxing | 17 | |
Canoeing | Sprint and Marathon | 14 |
Canoeing | Slalom | 14 |
Canoeing | Water Polo | 10 |
Canoeing | Freestyle | 14 |
Cricket | 20 | |
Cycling | Cyclecross | 10 |
Cycling | MBK | 10 |
Cycling | Mountain Biking & Cross Country | 10 |
Cycling | Road/Time Trials | 10 |
Cycling | Track | 10 |
Equestrian Sports | 10 | |
Equestrian | Combined Disciplines | 10 |
Equestrian | Cross Country | 10 |
Equestrian | Dessage | 10 |
Equestrian | Eventing | 10 |
Equestrian | Show Jumping | 10 |
Fencing | Foil | 7 |
Fencing | Epee | 7 |
Fencing | Sabre | 7 |
Football | Full | 22 |
Football | 5-a-side | 10 |
Gliding | 10 | |
Golf | 13 | |
Hang & Para Gliding | 20 | |
Hockey | 22 | |
Ice Hockey | 22 | |
Judo | 12 | |
Karting | 20 | |
Kite Surfing | 16 | |
Lawn Tennis | 10 | |
Martial Arts | 8 | |
Microflight Flying | 10 | |
Modern Pentathlon | 6 | |
Motor Sports | 2 Wheel Road | 20 |
Motor Sports | 2 Wheel Trial | 20 |
Motor Sports | 2 Wheel Endro/Motocross | 30 |
Motor Sports | 4 Wheel Car Racing | 12 |
Motor Sports | 4 Wheel Navigation | 20 |
Motor Sports | Rally | 30 |
Netball | 16 | |
Orienteering | 10 | |
Paragliding | 20 | |
Polo | 8 | |
Powerlifting | 16 | |
Rowing | 8’s, 4’s, pairs | 20 |
Rugby League | Thirteens | 28 |
Rugby League | Nines | 19 |
Rugby League | Sevens | 15 |
Rugby Union | Fifteens | 32 |
Rugby Union | Tens | 20 |
Rugby Union | Sevens | 15 |
Sailing | Offshore | 12 |
Sailing | Dinghy | 12 |
Sailing | Board | 12 |
Sailing | Windsurfing | 12 |
Sport Climbing | 15 | |
Sport Parachuting | 10 | |
Squash Rackets | 8 | |
Surfing | 18 | |
Swimming | Diving | 6 |
Swimming | Swimming | 19 |
Swimming | Water Polo | 16 |
Swimming | Open Water | 6 |
Table Tennis | 10 | |
Target Shooting | Full Bore Target Rifle | 20 |
Target Shooting | Small Bore Target Rifle | 20 |
Target Shooting | Target Pistol | 12 |
Target Shooting | Clay Target | 24 |
Tennis | 10 | |
Triathlon | 15 | |
Volleyball | 16 | |
Waterskiing / Wakeboarding | 10 | |
Waveriding | Waterskiing/ Wakeboarding | 10 |
Winter Sports | Alpine Skiing | 12 |
Winter Sports | Snowboarding | 12 |
Winter Sports | Nordic | 8 |
Winter Sports | Bi-Athlon Cross Country | 8 |
Winter Sports | Luge | 8 |
Winter Sports | Skeleton | 8 |
Winter Sports | Telemark | 6 |
Winter Sports | Tobogganing / Cresta | 12 |
The maximum number for mixed gender teams will be subject to approval by Navy People-PS Sport SO1 in each case. It will normally be significantly less than twice that of a single gender team.