Terms & Conditions
1. Royal Navy Royal Marines Sports Lottery (RNRMSL)
1.1 The RNRMSL operates as a subscription-based Society Lottery under the Gambling Act 2005, of which as the context requires being referred to as “RNRM Sports Lottery”.
1.2 The schedule of Draws which benefit the RNRMSL will be published on the Website. Either 4 or 5 (dependant on how many Saturdays there are in the month) draws will take place in a month.
2.1 Only players who hold paid-for Tickets shall be eligible to receive a prize in any Draw.
2.2 Details of the prizes available for winners will be published on the RNRM Sports Lottery website.
2.3 Prizes are awarded per ticket and winners with more than one ticket can win more than one prize.
2.4 No individual Ticket shall be entitled to a prize in excess of the maximum amount permitted by law. As set out in the Gambling Act 2005, no individual Ticket shall be entitled to a prize in excess of the greater of 10% of the Draw (including any rollover Draws) or £25,000.
2.5 From time to time a Draw may be designated a ‘Superdraw’ with all cash prizes increased as determined by the Royal Navy Sports Board. Such a Draw will be identified by the RNRMSL as a ‘Superdraw’.
3.1 Only RNRM Serving or RNRM Reservist personnel (over the age of 16) may enter the RNRMSL.
3.2 Each Player agrees to be bound by the Rules, any applicable provisions of the Act and any relevant regulations made there under from time to time. RNRMSL shall not be liable for any loss or damage (including loss of the opportunity to enter RNRMSL and/or the right to receive a prize) suffered by a Player if such Player has not complied with the Rules. The Rules may be amended by RNRMSL from time to time. Any amended Rules will be published on the Website at least 28 days in advance of taking effect.
3.3 RNRMSL recognises that, while subscription-based society lotteries offer the lowest risk of problem gambling, individuals may wish to self-exclude themselves from participation in RNRMSL. As such, the RNRMSL offers a self-exclusion process. To self-exclude, email navynps-peoplesptlotman@mod.uk with ‘self-exclusion’ in the title, and include all contact details (email, postal address, phone number(s)) or call 02392 573028. The minimum period of self-exclusion is 6 (six) months; the maximum is 12 (twelve) months. Customers can request to extend one or more periods for at least 6 months each.
4.1 Tickets will cost £0.75p each per draw, with either 4 or 5 (dependant on how many Saturdays there are in the month), and are sold on the following basis:
4.1.1 On a monthly basis for full time naval personnel with subscriptions being deducted from their pay at source a month in advance.
4.1.2 On a monthly basis for Reserve personnel with payment being made by bankers standing order, a month in advance.
4.2 Tickets purchased by Players shall be entered into the next round of monthly Draws occurring following the monthly collection of payments. Tickets purchased will specify a unique Ticket Number specific to the individual ticket.
4.3 Prospective Players can apply for membership by completing an Application. This can only be done on the Website, by hard copy and sending by post to the RNRMSL office, or by other methods which may be made available by RNRMSL from time to time. In each event, the Application constitutes the applicant’s authorisation of RNRMSL to collect payment for either 4 or 5 (dependant on how many Saturdays there are in the month) in advance through the JPA Military pay system for full time personnel (see 4.1.1), or through individual bankl accounts using the Standing Order process (see 4.1.2) for RMRM reservists.
4.4 The Application will require prospective Players to provide at least the following information:
4.4.1 The number of Tickets to be purchased for each Draw;
4.4.2 The Player’s name, full address, postcode, telephone number, date of birth and email address. The full address specified must be the Player’s military unit for Serving personnel and a permanent residence for RNRM reservists (must include a valid GB postcode); and
4.5 Once payment has been confirmed by JPA (Full time), Bank clearance, the Player will receive a confirmatory letter acknowledging membership of the RNRMSL with ticket numbers. This Ticket Number/s should be checked carefully. Should any information be incorrect, or should the Player wish to change their designated numbers, the Player shall be responsible for contacting RNRMSL, by phone or in writing, to advise of this change. Any such change shall only take effect when confirmed in writing by RNRMSL. RNRMSL accepts no liability for prizes lost as a result of a Player not complying with the above process.
4.6 Ticket Number shall comprise of a random 6 (six) digit unique number generated by RNRMSL database.
5.1 Payments for Tickets can only be made by Players in advance on a monthly basis for full time Royal Navy personnel with subscriptions being deducted from their pay at source.
5.2 On a monthly basis for Royal Navy Reserve personnel with payment being made by bankers standing order.
5.3 No Ticket Number(s) will be entered into a Draw unless the RNRMSL has received all amounts payable for the Ticket(s) relating to such Ticket Number.
5.4 If there is a dispute regarding whether Ticket(s) have been paid for, or when such payments were made, such dispute shall be resolved by reference to the payment details provided by Joint Personnel Administration (JPA) or in the case of Reserve Personnel the bankers standing order payment into the Bank of Scotland, RNRM Reservist account.
6.1 Subscriptions may be cancelled at any time giving RNRMSL notice by submission of the JPAE015 form held by Unit personnel Offices or the RNRMSL office. Termination will take one month to go through the JPA process with player funds still eligible in all draws until cancellation has been confirmed through the JPA process.
6.1.1 It will notify JPA of cancellation of future payments.
6.1.2 No refund is possible in the case of payments already made. In such a case the Player’s Ticket will be entered into the relevant Draws. Once tickets have been entered into the draw the right to a full refund will cease. Requests for a refund should be put in writing to the RNRMSL Lottery Manager at the address below.
6.2 Any change to the details provided in an Application should be notified to RNRMSL by email or in writing to the contact details set out below.
6.3 In the case of full time personnel military postal address will be identified using the JPA process through Naval Command Headquarters in Portsmouth. RNRM reservists must notify (by email or in writing to the relevant address set out below) on the change of their military and/or civilian address.
7.1 Prior to the date of each Draw, the RNRMSL Website shall provide Players with the following information:
7.1.1 The date on which the results of the Draw will be announced,
7.1.2 Details of the prizes available in the Draw; and
7.2 In each Draw, the winning Ticket Number(s) will be selected at random by a random number generator.
7.3 Each Draw shall be conducted by the Designated Officer in the presence of an independent adjudicator.
7.4 If the Designated Officer or the independent adjudicator observes or suspects any irregularity or failure in the procedure then the Draw shall be declared null and void and a new Draw shall take place.
7.5 Only those Ticket Numbers for which payment has been received are eligible to take part in the relevant Draw. In the event of an error in announcement of winning Ticket Numbers the Designated Officer shall be responsible for confirming the correct Ticket Numbers.
7.6 The Designated Officer shall determine the sequence of the prizes being drawn.
7.7 The results of each valid Draw will be published on the Website on a weekly basis (normally Monday except Bank Holidays) and may also be publicised in any other manner determined by RNRMSL from time to time. The following information will be published in relation to each valid Draw:
7.7.1 The winning names and ticket numbers;
7.7.2 The amounts or identity of each prize awarded to the winning Players. All winners of cash prizes will be notified accordingly by RNRMSL through the military email system. All winners of cash prizes of any value who have provided email contact details will be notified by RNRMSL through this medium.
7.8 The results of any Draw published on the Website or in any other source shall be for information purposes only and prizes shall only be awarded to the winning Ticket Number(s) recorded by the Designated Officer and the independent witness under Rule 7.3.
7.9 RNRMSL reserves the right to withhold payment of any prize until it is entirely satisfied that:
7.9.1 The person claiming such prize is validly registered in RNRMSL’s records against the winning Ticket Number(s) and has fully complied with the Rules;
7.9.2 All amounts due for the Tickets associated with the winning Ticket Number(s) have been paid. Without prejudice to the above, RNRMSL reserves the right to withhold payment of any prizes if it reasonably suspects the occurrence of fraud in relation to any Draw(s).
7.10 Prize monies shall be paid out as follows:
7.10.1 All prizes will be paid by BACs Transfer to the winning ticket holder only.
7.11 While RNRMSL shall use its best endeavours to identify and pay prizes to Players. Any cash prizes which RNRMSL has been unable to pay because it does not have the correct contact details, and which have not been claimed within 6 months (six) months after the date of the relevant Draw, shall be void and shall paid backinto the RNRMSL bank account. RNRMSL shall have no liability for any loss or damage suffered in relation to a failure to claim a prize in accordance with this Rule.
8.1 Players agree that by making an Application, RNRMSL may process their personal data for the purposes and in the manner described in the privacy policy posted on the Website.
9.1 Subject to Rule 9.2, the RNRMSL shall not be liable to a Player for any loss or damage suffered by a Player arising from:
9.1.1 Any delays or failures in the postal service or other delivery methods used by RNRMSL or Player from time to time; or
9.1.2 Any delays or failures in any system used by RNRMSL or a Player to transmit emails to the other; or
9.1.3 Any failure in the computer program or other method used by RNRMSL from time to time to generate winning Ticket Number(s); or
9.1.4 Any delays or failures in the banking system used to transmit payments between RNRMSL and a Player (or vice versa); or
9.1.5 Any refusal by RNRMSL to accept an Application or the termination by RNRMSL of an existing Subscription; or
9.1.6 Any event beyond the reasonable control of RNRMSL.
9.2 Nothing in these Rules shall operate to exclude or restrict the liability of RNRMSL for:
9.2.1 Death or personal injury resulting from negligence;
9.2.2 Breach of the obligations arising from section 12 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979;
9.2.3 Fraud
10.1 RNRMSL complaints procedure aims to ensure that any given issue a player or potential player may have regarding the lottery is dealt with promptly and in confidence. RNRMSL handles all complaints in accordance with this procedure. RNRMSL complaints procedure is without prejudice to players’ legal rights.
Any complaints relating to RNRMSL or any Draw should be in writing. It is necessary to make any complaint relating to a particular Draw within three months after the relevant Draw date and records of complaints will be kept by RNRMSL for three years.
10.2 The complaints procedure consists of four stages which are as follows:
10.2.1 Stage 1—Acknowledgement & Resolution: RNRMSL handles any complaint immediately which will be formally recorded by RNRMSL as soon as possible. RNRMSL aims to respond to complaints within fourteen working days.
10.2.2 Stage 2—Investigation: If the complaint is not resolved at the initial stage, the RNRMSL manager will escalate the complaint to the Commanding Officer HMS TEMERAIRE within seven working days.
10.2.3 Stage 3—Outcome & Actions Taken: The Commanding Officer HMS TEMERAIRE will investigate and respond to the complainer advising of the outcome of the complaint and any action taken as a result of the investigation.
10.2.4 Stage 4—Alternative Dispute Resolution: If the resolution of the complaint is not satisfactory at Stage 3, the complainer can require that RNRMSL submit to mediation with the Independent Betting Adjudicator Service (www.ibas-uk.com) to resolve the dispute for which both parties are required to participate. The process provides a mediation process that can be followed at no cost to the complainer. The mediator will report on the outcome of the dispute to the Gambling Commission and RNRMSL will abide by the mediator’s decision or recommendations.
11. LAW
11.1 The Rules and all matters arising from or connected with them are governed by English law.
12.1 Comments, questions or complaints should be to:
RNRM Sports Grant & Lottery Manager,
Rm 106
Burnaby Road
Email: lottery.assistant@rnsportslottery.co.uk /
Tel: 02392 573028